Saturday, May 26, 2007

Here is a link that may be helpful

For those who are curious, here is a link to an article that explains the kind of cancer my father has.

I had done hours upon hours of researching on the internet and only began to touch the surface. It is amazing one what we DON'T know. And this is just the treatments and diagnosis. I havent even began to touch on the articles on where this came from or might have come from, whether or not it could have been prevented. As a mother of five, I am worried about my health as well as my children's future. I am learning on how important it is to have a living will, good health insurance that is very specific in the care you need in the event something like this happens.
Don't think this can't happened to you or your family. This happened so fast, it might as well have been a car accident that left my father with brain injuries. One day he was fine, planning a Florida vacation. Four days later, his whole world changed....forever.
I encourage anyone who reads this, make sure you have your affairs in order. What YOU want, and how you want to be cared for. Most important...tell your love ones you love them and give them hugs. If your family lives across the country, give them a call.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Martin,

My prayers are with you in and through this. I pray these things:
1. that God's hand is on you and your family,
2. that the Lord reveals His presence to you in an overwhelming way,
3. and that you are able face the future without fear.

May God bless you and your family.
Nate Holt.