Saturday, May 26, 2007

His treatment and care

I spoke with Margarita several times yesterday b/c she ( and the rest of the family as well) was concerned b/c my dad was not getting the chemo medication b/c he has been unable to swallow the rather large pills. So, I did some research on the internet (isnt GOOGLE a wonderful thing!!) and was able to locate the name and phone number of the manufactor of the drug TEMODAR and was able to get some new information so that my dad will be able to take his chemo. Margarita (as was I) was thrilled to learn that she can open the capsule and mix the contents with some pudding and applesauce. She has to use extreme care when handling the medication but this should be alot easier on both my dad and her. Also, she did mentioned that he has been in some pain in the last few days so now he is on morphine when its needed. This is will also make him weaker, but more comfortable. He is still extremely tired and very weak.

I was hoping to return home and tie up a few loose ends and return to help care for my dad. Unfortunately that will not be the case. As the bread winner in my family, I must be able to maintain my household as well and taking an undertmined amount of time off from work did not go over very well with my new boss. I am however in the process of changing my work schedule to three 12hr nights and this will give me four days off. Once that is done and I get a vehicle that will travel the distance ( I live 393 miles from my dad), then I will be able to visit regularly. Should be two/three weeks tops. In the meantime, Margarita has hired a few aides that have helped her out alot.

I want to thank everyone once again for all their help and support. The ramp is almost finished, the food that has been brought.
Please keep praying!!

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