Thursday, June 14, 2007

Martin was not as communicative yesterday as he was Tuesday evening. He had a fever that responded to Tylenol (at least I think that’s what they gave him). Many people came by to visit, especially last evening after Debbie and I left.

Pastor Herod and Gary Nudd from the Bowman Hills SDA Church were here this morning when we got to the hospital.

Martin is now breathing through an oxygen mask (as opposed to a nasal canula) because he seems to breathe more through his mouth now than his nose. His breathing seems to be more labored than before.

Pastor Kenyon and Ginger stopped by briefly this afternoon.

The family continues to be overwhelmed by the love and support from all of Martin’s friends. What a blessing it is to know that he has touched so many lives and that so many people care about him.

Please understand that, as much as we treasure your love for Martin, the doctor has ordered that visits be limited to 5 minutes or less. If you come to visit, please plan to respect that limitation. Thank you.


1 comment:

sansei7 said...

Hi Margarita and Martin,

I was hoping to stop by again today, but it looks like I'm running out of time. I'm headed to Califorinia this afternoon.

My thoughts and prayers are still with you as I will be gone. May you have peace and strength from our Lord and Savior.

Gary Horinouchi